Anushka Sharma made Virat Kohli embarrassed in public and trolled him. An old video of the couple went viral on the Internet in mid of India lost World Cup against Australia. Fans love the couple and chemistry in Anushka and Virat.

The actress is termed the biggest strength of the cricket star. After losing the final World Cup match against Australia, Virat was shattered and disappointed. Anushka hugged him and comforted him. After this an old video of the actress is going viral, where she made fun of Virat.

Anushka Sharma Image: Instagram

She says he seems more excited than the bowler on taking the wicket. She copied the exact expression to show his face when he was more excited about the wicket taken by the bowler. She did the same thing to copy the expression of Virat Kohli on the ground. This made Virat embarrassed and she didn’t stop, even she went near him to bully him like friends. This chemistry and friendship made fans fall for them.

After losing the match when she hugged him and consoled him, netizens posted old videos of her in which she was trolling Virat.

These moments showed understanding and made people believe in true love. Their bond is very famous because of their fun-like friends and support-like partners. They are also expecting a second child, but still couple has not announced it officially. This news has been kept secret till now.