Womenzone community centre in Bradford has recently secured a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant of £69,900 for an exciting heritage project, Loving Grannies Music. Led by volunteers from the local community, the project focuses on the origins of South Asian folk music, a tradition that has changed over time in modern day Britain.

Traditionally women recited folk songs and passed them down from generation to generation and there is a wide range of folk songs for every occasion from birth and weddings to festivals, fairs and religious ceremonies.

Thanks to National Lottery players the project will enable local young people to learn about their heritage by documenting stories of women who migrated from the South Asian subcontinent to Bradford in 1960s and ‘70s to capture their memories of first arriving in a cold, damp and often hostile environment.

During this time many women felt socially isolated with no extended family and friends close by and often they would make connections with other women from similar backgrounds through these special occasions that involved reciting folk songs.

Womenzone will be hosting a community launch event at their Bradford centre on Sunday 15 May 2016, 2-6pm, for local people to find out more about the project and how to get involved. The event will include a live performance by renowned singer Shabnam Khan who will take audiences on a journey to discover the roots of traditional South Asian folk music.