A Muslim pilgrim has apparently killed himself by jumping from the roof of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, according to Saudi Press Agency
According to a reported quoting Makkah police the incident occurred at 9.20pm on Friday. Several dailies have published footage of the incident, showing the man falling onto a crowd of people circling around the Kaaba – the holy shrine Muslims face while praying.
Reports say he jumped over the protective fence erected on the roof to prevent accidents and was killed on the spot after hitting the circumambulation ground also known as the Tawwaf area, where thousands of pilgrims were gathered for their pilgrimage at Islam’s holiest site.
The report said an investigation had been opened into the incident “particularly into his identity, and reasons behind his behaviour despite the erection of a strong fence to protect people from falling down”.
The body was rushed to hospital with investigations underway to find out the nationality of the man, police have said. There are mixed reports on the identity of the man, with some alleging that the man was a 26-year-old French convert, whilst others claiming he was of Asian origin.
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