Mother launches faith-inspired jewellery brand on anniversary of son’s death

'Messages of hope' captured in jewellery

On the anniversary today of her son’s death, a mother has launched a unique faith-inspired jewellery brand in honour of his memory.

Hasina Momtaz, founded Soul Gems London, which offers beautiful, statement jewellery with inspirational faith-based messages of hope and meaningful reminders.

Although the Collection will find resonance with Muslims, she says the pieces are intended for everybody who appreciates elegant yet affordable jewellery, regardless of faith.

Hasina’s son, Sami, was killed instantly in a road traffic collision on 3 June 2014 at the age of 18 and today marks the sixth anniversary of his death.

Hasina Momtaz

Speaking about how her son’s entrepreneurial flair inspired her to set up Soul Gems London, Hasina said:

“This is a real departure from my previous PR career and it’s pretty daunting to launch a business during a global pandemic. However, my son Sami, who is the inspiration behind Soul Gems London, was very entrepreneurial from a young age and always encouraged me to go into business. I had no idea how to combine that with my passion for jewellery and my faith-based values until the idea for Soul Gems London was born in 2019”.

There is one particular piece in the Soul Gems London Collection called the ‘Paradise’ necklace which was created specially in Sami’s memory.

This distinctive necklace is engraved with the Arabic proverb “In paradise there is love without separation”. One side of the pendant is engraved with Arabic lettering and the other side is engraved with the English meaning.

Telling us more about how she came up with the idea for some of the pieces in the Collection as well as her future hopes, Hasina continued:

“I came across this proverb after Sami’s death and it gave me hope that we would be reunited in a better place one day.

“I’ve had amazing feedback on all the pieces but one customer in particular has bought three Paradise necklaces for friends who have lost loved ones recently. She messaged me to say that it’s brought them peace and hope and that is at the heart of what I want to do which is to bring a little bit of joy to people if I can.

“Non-Muslim friends have also bought pieces from the Collection because they loved the beauty and uniqueness of the pieces. They asked me what the meaning is behind certain Arabic words and really liked the messages when I explained to them.

“Perhaps through something as small as a beautiful piece of jewellery, barriers between communities and faiths can be broken down. That would be a wonderful thing, especially in the current turbulent world we are in.

“Sami was an amazing young man who was loved by many. As well as being entrepreneurial, Sami really wanted to help those less fortunate than himself and, in the month of Ramadan before he died, he fundraised for a charity in the UK.

“I would like to continue what Sami started and hope to set up a Foundation in Sami’s memory which would be supported through profits from the business to help those less fortunate in the UK and abroad”.

Other pieces in the collection have reminders inscribed on them about having gratitude and patience, two of the foundations of faith but also universal messages that resonate regardless of a faith or none. One piece in the Collection is a bangle which has the inscription “Sabr – this too shall pass”. Sabr means ‘patience’ and it’s a timely reminder that at some point the bad times will pass and give way to better, happier days ahead.

There are also pieces with Arabic calligraphy artwork on them as well as sets such as the ‘Faith Foundations’ cuff Collection.

Hasina’s Collection, inspired by Sami’s memory, is at: