Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika once shared a strong bond, displaying great friendliness. In an older video, the actor from “Animal” stated that Deepika should seek someone like him.

ranbir kapoorHis candid remarks divulged much about Deepika, causing her discomfort, and leading her to caution against revealing too much about her.

Ranbir likened himself to Deepika, believing he met her standards. Deepika asserted that he doesn’t meet her expectations despite noticeable chemistry. She found her match in husband Ranveer Singh, while Ranbir settled down with Alia Bhatt.

Despite this, Ranbir and Deepika remain close friends and are set to appear together in Brahmastra Part 2. Ranbir’s performance in part 1 earned high praise and accolades, winning him the Best Actor award for his leading role. Anticipation runs high among fans for the sequel, where he’ll reunite with Deepika.

Speculation suggests Ranbir will portray Dev, the character in love with Deepika, but fans eagerly await confirmation. Director Ayan Mukerji announced the release of Brahmastra 2 in 2025. As discussions and hypotheses swirl, pondering if Alia Bhatt’s character will vanish remains a matter of conjecture until the movie’s debut.